A Story of Doing Good

An essential part of the MoFo difference is our tradition of service in the public interest. We use our talents in a range of pro bono activities, from staffing legal services clinics to counseling more than 300 nonprofit organizations to handling high-impact litigation. Our work focuses on assisting underserved groups and nonprofits that serve low-income people and communities. We approach pro bono work the same as our billable work—with passion, dedication, and an exacting standard of service—simply because that’s who we are.

Issues We Tackle

From history-making class actions to impactful individual cases and unique partnerships with innovative nonprofits and social enterprises, MoFo lawyers around the globe are passionate about using their skills to protect human rights and to create a better future for all.

Learn more about Pro Bono at MoFo.

Get Involved from Day One.

Vault, Best Law Firm to Work For, Pro BonoThere are no limits on how early in your career you can get involved in MoFo’s pro bono efforts. In fact, we encourage our visiting summers and trainees to help out on a range of important matters, such as researching the transparency of our elections system or taking part in legal clinics to help struggling small businesses. We believe that providing you with early exposure to these projects can go a long way to not only helping our pro bono clients but giving you a chance to put your skills to the test and form new connections. That’s what we call a win-win.

In addition to receiving a broad mix of assignments, students in our Summer Associate Program have the opportunity to engage in impactful pro bono assignments, sharpening their legal practice skills, while helping our community.